Prince Charming Is Not Coming Unless You Do This Session

Albert Einstein defined insanity as keeping on doing the same thing the same way and expecting to achieve a different result.

As Einstein indicated, you will not find your Prince Charming if you continue to select a partner the same way you have done in the past.

Why does the average person marry twice or even three times or have multiple partnerships that never work out? For a very simple reason – unless you change your awareness or consciousness, you will continue to select the SAME TYPE OF PERSON over and over again.

Unfortunately, in the beginning of a new romance you may believe that you have selected a different person because he/she may have different looks, ethnic background, or social standing. But – without proper guidance or awareness training, you will find, after the honeymoon is over, that you have chosen your “ex” all over again.

Don’t make a costly mistake – one phone call can help you avoid many tears and much frustration. This session is truly worth its weight in gold.

Length of Session: 1 ½ hours
Fee for Session: $95

I faithfully did what you said Pat, and Wham! Bam! Thank you M’am! He appeared! Many thanks. – A.F. San Diego, CA

That power of intent is some strong stuff – it worked! – C.G. Virginia Beach, NC

I never saw the cookie-cutter pattern with men that stemmed from my childhood until I worked with you. What an insight! – B.L. Chicago, IL